

Sunday - 10 AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Bible study

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May The God Of Hope

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  One of our greatest desire is to know that we are going to have a fairly good life, healthy, peaceful and a good marriage and family and a nice home. We set our hopes and visions to try to have that in our lives. One of the things we tend to do place our happiness on these hopes. And that can lead us into dispointment when our hopes don't go as we were planning on. Romans 15:13, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,

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The Word For Our Example

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  Hopefully everyone had a bless weekend with friends and family. And you found yourself making a corporate FAITH CONNECTION with your local Church. There is nothing like gathering with like minded worship and making a expectation with faith in what God can do! I been sharing on hope and looking at scriptures on how we can hold on to that hope. The Scriptures have been Old Testament scriptures and now I want to focus on New Testament scriptures wi

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Hope The Future

by: Jose Rodriguez




Eveyone has a hope, for a future, blessings, health and we place that hope on many circumstances, self others, money, job etc.....

Hope: In the Bible, hope is a confident expectation of what God has promised, and it is different from the general use of the word in the world. The Bible's definition of hope is characterized by assurance, certainty, and trust, and is always future-oriented. 

As posted earlier I will sharing scriptures to help us place

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by: Jose Rodriguez




What does the Bible tell us about hope? What should we hope for and why?

As stated last post I will be sharing some of the best Bible verses about hope from the Old and New Testaments to encourage and strengthen your endurance of faith. May these scripture quotes about hope help to uplift your hopes from worldly desires to the salvation of your soul in Jesus Christ!

There are so many things that we place our hope on our jobs, money, people the list

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Help Sleeping

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  So many find themselves having a very difficult time of sleeping well, they toss and turn, getting in and out of bed or not going to bed at all. This lack of sleep can have a great impact on our health, relationships.  It's in times when we cannot sleep we need not count sheep, but rather talk to the shepherd! Sleep is essential for our well-being, yet many of us find ourselves tossing and turning as our minds race with worries and anxieties. On

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Help Sleeping

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  So many find themselves having a very difficult time of sleeping well, they toss and turn, getting in and out of bed or not going to bed at all. This lack of sleep can have a great impact on our health, relationships.  It's in times when we cannot sleep we need not count sheep, but rather talk to the shepherd! Sleep is essential for our well-being, yet many of us find ourselves tossing and turning as our minds race with worries and anxieties. On

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Keeping One Faith

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  I have share some Scriptures on building up ones faith of course I have barely scratched the depths of the Scriptures on this topic Deepening your faith: A lifelong commitment All in all, deepening spiritual faith is a significant aspect of the Christian journey. It’s not just about attending church services or reading the Bible — it’s about cultivating a deeper and more personal relationship with God. The depth of our faith determines the stren

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Renewed Strength

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  Contining on sharing scripture on how to build our faith  Isaiah 40:31 – Renewed strength Imagine you’re feeling weary or drained, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually. It happens to all of us at times, doesn’t it? In such moments, the scripture from Isaiah 40:31 can provide immense comfort and encouragement: “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow wear

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Cast Your Cares On Jesus

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  Contining on sharing scripture on how to build our faith  1 Peter 5:7 – Cast all your anxiety on Him Living in a world filled with stress and uncertainty, we often carry heavy burdens of worry and anxiety. But there is a scripture that offers profound relief – 1 Peter 5:7: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” This verse is a direct invitation to give up our worries and surrender them to God. It’s an assurance that God cares d

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You Can Do All Things

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  Contining on sharing scripture on how to build our faith is a life long process sometimes we can feel that we have such a high level of faith and then at other times is like we have no faith all to believe that it's going to work out God going to come though! We all been there! But what bring maturity in our faith is those time when we don’t see how it going to work out yet we somehow managed to hold on to the promises of God and realizing we ca

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Building Faith Muscles

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  Contining on sharing scripture on how to build our faith.Contining on sharing scripture on how to build our faith. Romans 8:28 – God works for the goodMoving forward, let’s look into a scripture that might initially seem not easilyunderstood, yet is great in strengthening our faith. Romans 8:28 states: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” At first glance, it

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Everything Work For Our Good

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  Contining on sharing scripture on how to build our faith.Contining on sharing scripture on how to build our faith. Romans 8:28 – God works for the goodMoving forward, let’s look into a scripture that might initially seem not easilyunderstood, yet is great in strengthening our faith. Romans 8:28 states: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” At first glance, it

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Seek His Kingdom First

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  Contining on sharing scripture on how to build our faith. The second scripture I want share on to help us build faith is Matthew, specifically to Matthew 6:33: Matthew 6:33 – Seek first His kingdom This scripture is a powerful directive about the prioritization of our spiritual journey. Personally, this verse reminds me to make God’s kingdom and righteousness my primary pursuit. But what does it mean to “seek first His kingdom”? Primarily, it me

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Building Faith

by: Jose Rodriguez



FAITH CONNECTION FOR TODAY  Building up our faith Biblical scriptures provide a roadmap to deepen our understanding of faith, giving us a solid foundation to strengthen our spiritual connection. They offer profound insights and teachings that can transform your perspective, enriching your spiritual journey. I will be sharing  7 essential scriptures and explore their significance in nourishing and deepening spiritual faith. I want to help us with understanding of these scri

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by: Jose Rodriguez




Contining on how to get spiritual renewal.

We look at making God the source of spiritual renewal now let's look at another way to get spiritual strength when we feel like we are weak in the spirit - man.

Wait on the Lord

Spend time in worship and prayer, trusting that God will restore your strength and peace, even if your circumstances remain the same.

We tend to not be very good at waiting! We want it now we live in the mico-wave mentality and we fi

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